West Palm Beach
Expect it all.

Jet access - west palm beach, florida

Jet Access is the first aviation company to combine each sector of the industry under one brand on a national scale to deliver the best value proposition for those who fly privately. Our ecosystem in South Florida includes private jet charter, aircraft management, aircraft maintenance and aircraft brokerage. 

aircraft Maintenance

Jet Access is an internationally recognized and award-winning Part 145 MRO located in West Palm Beach, Florida. Our full-service maintenance teams and service centers are qualified to perform all your piston, turbine, and jet maintenance requirements.

We keep your aircraft compliant through continuous monitoring and diagnostics. We provide maintenance inspections, parts, repairs, avionics modifications, equipment installations, interior and exterior refurbishment, and other specialized services.

Palm Beach International Airport (PBI) – Signature Flight Support

  • 1500 Perimeter Rd., West Palm Beach, 33406
  • 800.554.9489


We make private jet charters – as our name suggests – accessible from both a monetary and convenience standpoint while delivering the best value and experience for private air travel in the country.

  • FAA Approved Part-135 Air Carrier
  • The highest levels of safety and security
    • FAA SMS Active Conformant
    • ARG/US Platinum Operator
    • IS-BAO Stage III
    • WYVERN Registered
  • Private jet charter fleet contains jet and turboprop aircraft with a network of over 4,000 Part-135 aircraft
  • Fully vetted, trained, and experienced flight crew
  • Regular empty leg flights to and from West Palm Beach and South Florida
Learn about the top private jet travel destinations from West Palm Beach.

Aircraft management

  • We manage more than 40 aircraft in private and commercial capabilities for international corporations, high net worth families, and individuals, including numerous in West Palm Beach and South Florida.
  • We leverage our global fleet of aircraft to negotiate with top vendors around the world, significantly improving our buying power for parts, maintenance, and fuel.
  • Our team of expert concierges, dispatchers, and flight coordinators are available around the clock, seven days a week.
If you’re interested in us managing your asset in West Palm Beach or South Florida, or adding your aircraft to our charter fleet to reduce your operating costs, contact us.

Have Questions about our capabilities in south florida?

  • Contact our Maintenance Team.

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