Twin Commander News from Flight Levels
The COVID pandemic hasn’t slowed down the work at Twin Commander Aircraft. Business Unit Director Brian Harbaugh said the company is busy with multiple projects and upgrades, from stocking new parts to developing new Custom Kits and flight manual upgrades.
Engineering is currently working on new nacelle bulkheads that provide a more secure fit. A new cabin altitude indicator has been developed and will soon be available as part of a Custom Kit. The factory is also developing a new rudder gust lock that addresses customer feedback.
Finally, a pilot’s operating handbook, POH, rewrite for 695s on long-range fuel was recently released, and owners and technicians will appreciate an impending change to the hydraulic pump overhaul procedure that is currently under review should make the process more efficient and result in better performance.
“We are always working hard to support the Twin Commander community,” Harbaugh said. “But I’m particularly proud of the team’s work recently to push forward in the face of significant outside challenges. They are fully committed to providing value to owners and the Factory Authorized Service Centers.”